Segi University – University for middle income people - See more at:
1. SEGi College Penang - College for middle income people, Char kway teow college (The College Principle love Char Kway Teow so much), Sea View College,2. INTI Penang - Rich Kids,Spoiled Kid, Stuck Up people, Handsome Guyz Eurasians,International Students
3. KTAR - Chinese, Pretty Girls, DOTA
4.KDU - Rich, Culinary Arts, Wannabe ''Budak Darmasara'' , Pretty and Hot Girls (Both Indian and Chinese)
5.Advance Tertiary College (ATC) -Indians,Lawyers, Hot and Pretty Punjabi Girls, Bangunan UMNO.
6.Sentral College - Indians, Homely and Pretty Girls (Indians) ,Bangunan Sentral, Gangsters
7.Han Chiang College - Chinese, Basketball, PSY -Gagnam Style.
8.Wawasan Open University - Old Guyz, Bald Guyz,
9.Universiti Sains Malaysia -Malay, African
10. Penang Medical College - Empty Building
Rich kids, stuck up people, spoiled kids
Segi University – University for middle income people - See more at: